
UNCITRAL Expedited Arbitration Rules (2021)



  1. The following provides an overview of the different time frames in the Expedited Rules. In the “time frame” column, “A + number (days(d)/months(m))” indicates “within” the number of days/months from stage A (in certain cases, receipt thereof).
Time frameStages of the proceedings and procedural actionsRelevant articles
ANotice of arbitration (including a proposal for the designation of an appointing authority (A1) and the appointment of a sole arbitrator (A2)) to the respondentExpedited Rules 4(1)
A+0dStatement of claim to the respondentExpedited Rules 4(2)
BA+15dResponse to the notice of arbitration (including responses to A1 and A2) to the claimantExpedited Rules 5(1)
C15d after A1 or any proposalIf no agreement on the appointing authority, any party may request the Secretary-General of PCA to designate appointing authority or to serve as appointing authorityExpedited Rules 6(1)
D15d after A2 or any proposalIf no agreement on the arbitrator, any party may request the appointing authority to appoint the sole arbitrator → Appointing authority to appoint as promptly as possibleExpedited Rules 8(2)
EConstitution of the arbitral tribunalExpedited Rules 8; UARs 8 & 9
E+0dClaimant to communicate its notice of arbitration & statement of claim to the arbitral tribunal (as soon as it is constituted)Expedited Rules 4(3)
E+15dConsultation with the parties through a case management conference or otherwise (promptly after and within 15 days)Expedited Rules 9
Establishment of a provisional timetable (as soon as practicable)UARs 17(2)
FE+15dRespondent to communicate its statement of defence to the claimant and the arbitral tribunal (possible extension)Expedited Rules 5(2); 10
F+0dCounterclaim or a claim for purposes of set-off to be included in the statement of defence (permitted at a later stage, if tribunal considers that it appropriate)Expedited Rules 12
GE+6mMaking of the awardExpedited Rules 16(1)
E+9mPossible extension of the time period for making of the award (exceptional circumstances)Expedited Rules 16(2)
E+9m+final extended time limitPossible extension of the time period for making of the award (at risk of not rendering an award within nine months)Expedited Rules 16(3)